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Level N/A Steal Items N/A
Type N/A Dropped Items N/A
Gil N/A
Exp N/A
Weak N/A Strong N/A
Abilities Grand Cross, Protect, Neutron Ring, Blue Shock Wave, Shell Card N/A

Level 67 Steal Items Remedy
HP 54,940 Dragon Wrist
MP 9,999 Grand Armor
Type Dragon/Flying Dropped Items Wing Edge
Gil 9,506 Ether
Exp N/A Elixir
Weak Ice, Wind Strong Earth
Abilities Counter, Twister, Shockwave, Tidal Wave, Psychokinesis, Aerial Slash Card Elixir

Level 9 Steal Items Echo Screen
HP 59,497 Ore
MP 3,381 Hi-Potion
Phoenix Pinion
Type N/A Dropped Items Potion
Gil 303 Annoyntment
Exp 329 Ether
Weak Fire, Shadow Strong Holy
Abilities Silent Kiss, Fira, Night Card Nymph

Level 16 Steal Items Phoenix Down
HP 3,568 Hi-Potion
MP 622 Ether
Type N/A Dropped Items Phoenix Down
Gil 845 Ether
Exp 2,093
Weak Fire Strong N/A
Abilities Thorn Whip, Blizzara, Slow Card Ochu

Level 32 Steal Items Annoyntment
HP 3,727 Phoenix Down
MP 1,067 Ether
Type N/A Dropped Items Hi-Potion
Gil 1,204 Phoenix Down
Exp 5,507
Weak N/A Strong N/A
Abilities Knife, Flame, Trouble Knife Card Ogre

Level N/A Steal Items Elixir
HP 22,535 Robe of Lords
MP 3,127 Dark Matter
Pumice Piece
Type N/A Dropped Items Pumice Piece
Gil N/A Dark Matter
Exp N/A
Weak Wind, Holy Strong Shadow, Earth
Abilities N/A Card N/A

Level 7 Steal Items Eye Drops
HP 916 Iron Helm
MP 1,431
Type Plant Dropped Items Phoenix Down
Gil 468 Potion
Exp N/A
Weak Fire Strong N/A
Abilities Right Tentacle, Thunder, Pollen, Left Tentacle Card N/A

Level 1 Steal Items Hi-Potion
HP 33 Potion
MP 173 Ore
Type Bug Dropped Items Potion
Gil 91 Eye Drops
Exp 22 Phoenix Down
Weak Fire Strong N/A
Abilities Tentacle, Thunder Card Fang

Level 2 Steal Items N/A
HP 513 Hi-Potion
MP 1,083
Type N/A Dropped Items N/A
Gil N/A
Exp N/A
Weak Fire Strong
Abilities Right Stem, Left Stem, Absorb Card N/A

Level 2 Steal Items Broad Sword
HP 533 Leather Wrist
MP 1,186
Type N/A Dropped Items Eye Drops
Gil 436 Phoenix Down
Exp N/A
Weak Fire Strong N/A
Abilities Right Stem, Left Stem, Absorb Card Goblin

Level 2 Steal Items Potion
HP 3,268 Ore
MP 2,065 Hi-Potion
Phoenix Pinion
Type N/A Dropped Items Phoenix Down
Gil 106
Exp 40
Weak Ice Strong N/A
Abilities Rapid Fire, Thunder Card Goblin

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