![]() Sunleth Waterscape 300AF - Part 1After the cut-scene you'll be in control of Noel. Against all sanity, follow Serah and charge the giant Flan creature. Boss: Royal RipenessIf you ignored our advice and skipped out on grabbing Moogle Throw after the Bresha Ruins, this fight is as good a reason as any for doing so. If you attempted this you probably ended up in a long-haul battle hanging on by your fingernails. For those of you who waited, this battle should be much easier, though it may still eat up a good chunk of time. A good sentinel is a must here - you should have the Pulse Knight by now so he's your best bet. Hold to Delta Attack and heal as needed with potions. You can also switch to Solidarity if you'd prefer to save on potions. Just in case, have a few Wound potions stashed as this battle can get nasty if it goes on very long. The boss can't be staggered so you pretty much just have to keep chipping at its life until it goes down. It's weak to wind attacks so switching Serah in as your party leader and having her repeatedly cast Aero is a good idea. Early on you'll get a quick cinematic action - press X/Square. At the close of the battle you'll get a more elaborate one: Left-Up, X/Square, X/Square repeat, B/Circle repeat, Left-right. After the battle and the ensuing cut-scenes speak to Snow to get a Map. You'll have Snow as a guest fighter in your party, but he doesn't have any use in a paradigm and you can't control him. He's just a handy fourth fighter that will stick with you awhile. Snag the sphere with 625 gil and take the west path south. When you reach the hanging vine press A/X to swing across. Continue south until you reach Chocolina. Peruse her wares if you desire and move on to the southwest. Jump over the tree stumps and follow Snow's lead to jump onto the back of the giant creature. If you went after the Moogle Throw ability then this is probably about as far as you went in this location. You'll get the ability on your ride and the chance to grab 3 spheres containing Librascope, 8 Mana Chips, and a Silver Bangle. Also keep a sharp eye out for a Wild Artefact hovering to the east of the trail. Don't stress too much if you miss one of these. You can always take the ride again. You'll actually need o to get the last sphere, a Spark Ring, that you'll pass on the east side before getting the Moogle Hunt tutorial. If you've got all the items you can easily skip the lengthy ride by pressing start. It acts just like a cut-scene. Just south of Chocolina's second location you'll spot a floating sphere containing 7 Vitality Chips. Use Moogle Throw to get it. You'll also find an out-of-phase vine. Use Moogle Hunt to reveal it and swing across. Here you'll find a Frost Ring and a Unicorn Horn. Swing back the way you came and go south along the tree branches. Swing along a vine to reach the south-west part of the map. You can use Moogle Hunt to reveal a second hidden vine but skip it for now. Pick up the sphere containing a Zephyr Ring and head east along the branches. When you hit solid ground again approach the hoarde of miniflan and take them down. You'll get the Combat Artefact. Also, make sure to get the Moogle Throw sphere containing an Ember Ring. Go back north-west along the Bumpy Bough area to get to the Bow Isle area. Use your artefact on the gate to go to the Coliseum ???AF. Sunleth Waterscape 300AF Part 2When you return from the Historia Crux you'll find yourself right where you left off. Retrace your steps, using the west side detour through the Hidden Woodland Area, and head all the way back up to the Forest Crossroads area. Head east from here past Chocolina and the gate. Jump to the short island path to the south to grab 960 gil and then follow the main path east. Snag the sphere with 9 Vitality Droplets. Then follow the path all the way to its end and fight another group of miniflan to get the Thundering Artefact. On your way back out of the Overgrown Forest area grab the Extraordinary Egg Fragment using Moogle Throw. Now head all the way north, carefully by-passing the Royal Ripeness, to the gate in the west of the Base of the Crystal area. Activate the gate and take a trip to the Archylte Steppe. Sunleth Waterscape 300AF Part 3Boss: MutantomatoUpon your return to this location you will find the giant flan taken down to a much more manageable size. The Mutantomato is a much easier beast. If you're buff enough you might even be able to bypass Delta Attack, opting for Relentless Assault. Keep in mind that the flan still absorbs Fire and is weak to Wind. Have Serah cue up repeated Aero spells and keep at it until you stagger the thing. Once staggered the fight is pretty much over - it is launchable so juggle it around until you eliminate it. Your reward for the fight is the Mutantomato Fragment and 3,500 CP. That done, the only thing you have left to do is toss Mog at the floating Mysterious Artefact and open the gate in the Forest Crossroads. The Void Beyond ???AFYour return to the Historia Crux brings you to another short visit to the Void Beyond. The inner courtyard is now open and you can explore, grabbing a couple treasre spheres. There are two boxes on the west side. Use Moogle Throw to get 'The Calm' Gate Seal and the 'Prediction' Gate Seal. That done, you can also examine the throne. After that examine the distortion to move forward. You now have access to both Serendipity ???AF and Academia 400AF and you have reached episode 4. Academia will move the story forward, but you can also take some time to explore your options in Serendipity, the Archylte Steppe, and the Wild Artefact branches in the Bresha Ruins 005AF. Return to FF13-2 Main Page Return to FFExodus Main Page |