![]() Archylte Steppe ???AFThe Archylte Steppe is home to a slew of exploration and sidequesting. If you're looking to get the full details on this location check out our Archylte Steppe main page. The purpose of this page is to take you through the story section of this location. That said, on to the walkthrough. When you arrive head north to the entrance to the nomad camp. On your way in snag the sphere with 8 Mana Droplets. Once inside head up the stairs in the middle, grabbing the spheres with a Grimoire Hat and 600 gil. Speak to the man named Tipur located at the waypoint marker. You'll get a Map. Speak to Tipur again to start the Goblin Fragment quest. With that done take a leap off the cliff at the back of the camp and head to the next waypoint. This battle against 3 goblins, a miniflan, and a chocobo shouldn't be too terribly bad. If you find yourself getting hammered too badly feel free to switch from Relentless Assault to Delta Attack. Your reward for the fight include the Goblin Fragment as well as a chocobo crystal. Aside from being a decent comando choice at this point in the game, you'll also find a unique use for this crystal when you unlock Serendipity upon completion of the Sunleth Waterscape. With that done examine the red cactuar statue nearby. Touching this waystone will take you back to camp (as will any red waystone). Upon first examination you also get the Crimson Crystal Fragment and 200 CP. Back in camp speak with Myta, the woman at the front of the stairs. She needs you to snag some wool from three types of sheep in the plains. Head back outside via the main entrance. The large sheep you need to corner are noted with a speech icon above their heads. Track them down and hit X/A as soon as you get near them. They like to run as you approach them so if you can herd them toward an obstruction it will be easier to catch them. Return the wool to Myta to get the Woolly Stone Fragment. Speak to Myta again to learn about the weather controlling device. Speak to the Hunter nearby the device to learn about it. Move both levers to the down position to make it Sunny. Then move the right lever up to make it Stormy. Now it's time to take on the massive dragon-like enemy you've made appear. Hop off the cliff and head toward it. Boss: FaerylFaeryl can be pretty nasty unless you know what you're doing. It absorbs Fire and Wind but is weak to Lightning and Ice. Set Serah as your party leader and string up a cue of the latter two spells. Also, make sure that if you're using a second Ravager that they have access to one of those two spells. More likely though, you'll be hunkered down with Delta Attack. Once you've staggered the beast take it down quickly with Relentless Assault. Upon defeat of the beast you'll get the Black Hole Gem Fragment. You can also grab your Live Trigger reward in the box nearby. With that done it's time to head back to the Sunleth Waterscape to finish the giant flan once and for all. Return to topReturn to FF13-2 Main Page Return to FFExodus Main Page |