![]() Under ConstructionPLEASE NOTE: This section is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION! We will be frequently posting new information to this section as it is created. Until an entire category's missions are completed there will be a "Done" section added for each mission at the end of each category table. A "*" indicates strategy is available, whereas "N/A" indicates that mission has yet to be added. We appreciate your patience and patronage. Shinra Electric Power Company
1.1:Training MissionsShinra's Basic TrainingAvailable: Right after you register with the Mission Board. Description: "This is a simulated battle against infantrymen. The difficulty level is set low, so it should pose no problem for a SOLDIER operative. Relax and enjoy the training." Enemies: Sentry Strategy: Zack will have to fight eight sentries in a closed room. They're very easy so this is a good opportunity to practice getting behind enemies for critical attacks without taking much damage. Mission Complete: Reward: Elixir Unlocks: Completion required to progress story. Shinra's Advanced Training50 Shinra Troops100 Shinra Troops200 Shinra Troops1000 Shinra Troops1.2:Peacekeeping TroopsChallenge From SecurityAvailable: Speak to the Captain in LOVELESS Ave. Description: "Members of the Security Department have requested a joint training session with SOLDIER. Some of them seem to regard SOLDIER with a passionate sense of rivalry. It's only a training session but don't take it lightly." Enemies: Storm Trooper, Corporal Strategy: This mission has a decent sized map with plenty of encounters - great for leveling up. The Storm Troopers have a grenade attack that is easy to dodge - just watch for the black grenades on the ground and get away from them. From your starting point take your first left and then your second right. In the north-west corner of the second room you'll find an X-Potion. Then return to the main hallway and go right. In the next open area you'll find a Remedy. The boss, a Corporal with some Storm Troopers, waits for you in the room north of the chest. Mission Complete: Reward: Shinra Alpha Unlocks: Mission 1.2.2 Second ChallengeAvailable: Complete Mission 1.2.1 Description: Members of the Security Department have requested another joint training session with SOLDIER. They have robots to support them this time. Proceed with caution." Enemies: Storm Trooper, Corporal, Red Saucer I Strategy: This map is small with only one or two minor encounters. The Red Saucers hit hard but go down easily. Like the last mission, watch for those grenades. Halfway up the path to your left is an X-Potion. At the end you'll fight a Corporal and a pack of Red Saucers. Mission Complete: Reward: Silence Unlocks: Mission 1.2.3 Third ChallengeAvailable: Complete Mission 1.2.2 Description: "Members of the Security Department have requested yet another joint training session with SOLDIER. A statement from them reads, 'We were holding back in the previous sessions.' They are desperate and may do anything to save face. Be careful." Enemies: Storm Trooper, Corporal, Red Saucer I Strategy: This mission has another large map with lots of encounters. The stakes are raised by larger groups of enemies with several Red Saucers. Follow previous tactics. Proceed through the three small rooms to the large square path in the middle. To proceed directly to the boss take the left branch. The offshooting room is empty. At the south-west corner of the square you'll find a box with a Hi-Potion. Continue north and take the left off-shoot to face a boss group that consists of a couple Storm Troopers, a Corporal, and a pack of Red Saucers. Mission Complete: Reward: Four Slots Unlocks: Mission 1.2.4 Getting SeriousAvailable: Complete Mission 1.2.3 Description: "The persistent members of the Security Department have sent SOLDIER another challenge to a joint training session. Making excuses, they claim the difference in budget between the departments to be the reason for their losses. Go show them exactly why we are combat experts." Enemies: Storm Trooper, Corporal, Red Saucer I Strategy: Though relatively small, this ring map has several encounters. Even if you take this mission while rated Hard, it's not very difficult. The groups of enemies are larger and there are some Corporals mixed in. With that many enemies, while you're taking out one they tend to clump in close to you so after you finish off your first Storm Trooper your swings will be hitting more than one opponent. Watch out for lone enemies placed out of your line of sight and apart from the main group. In the north-east corner you'll find a Soma in a niche. On your way to the boss placed on the lower left side of the map you'll find a Hi-Potion along the center wall of the ring. Mission Complete: Reward: Force Bracelet Unlocks: Mission 1.2.5 Armed ChallengeAvailable: Complete Mission 1.2.4 Description: Members of the SEcurity Department have sent SOLDIER yet another challenge to a joint training session. It seems they have succeeded in securing funds and have new weapons at their disposal. We in SOLDIER never blame a loss on the budget. Win the session and teach them the meaning of dignity. Enemies: Corporal, Red Saucer I, Sweeper+ Strategy: The first tip for this mission is to get an item that prevents silence. The Sweeper+ enemies have an annoying Silent Gas attack that will have you popping Remedies if you can't dodge it or prevent it with an accessory. From your starting position you're going to want to take the top path before going down to fight the boss. Just short of the top left corner of the map you'll find a chest with a Hi-Potion. Straight down from there and to the right you'll find a Remedy at the end of the path. Now retrace your steps to the short path down the the middle. Before engaging the boss snag the Potion in the chest in the north-west corner of the clearing. The boss here is a duo of Sweeper+ machines. Tackle them one at a time if you can and make sure to dodge when they cast the Silent Gas spell. Mission Complete: Reward: Ice Armlet Unlocks: Mission 1.2.6 Last ChallengeAvailable: Complete Mission 1.2.5 Description: Members of the Security Department, on a losing streak, have yet again challenged SOLDIER to a joint training session. They have used up their entire budget on this one. We know we've had too many of these, but this one is sure to be the last. Savor it for what it is. Enemies: Corporal, Flying Machine, Sweeper+, Arachno Strategy: Mission Complete: Reward: Unlocks: 1.3:Weapons DevelopmentNext-Generation Weapons< /br>Last ChallengeAvailable: Description: Enemies: Strategy: Mission Complete: Reward: Unlocks: New Mechanical WeaponsTo Quash Genesis's ForcesExperiments Gone WrongRobots in the CityA Director's Request1.4:Plan for New EquipmentUrban Combat OperationsCyber-SabotageStolen Shinra WeaponsDestroy the Mobile ArtilleryTesting New WeaponsWeapons Comparison Test1.5:Special Operations Arms LaboratorySpecial Ops WeaponsSpecial Ops Weapons ReturnTarantula TestShinra Machines UnitBetter Death MachinesFinal Versions of the SpiderReturn to Top |