![]() Under ConstructionPLEASE NOTE: This section is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION! We will be frequently posting new information to this section as it is created. Until an entire category's missions are completed there will be a "Done" section added for each mission at the end of each category table. A "*" indicates strategy is available, whereas "N/A" indicates that mission has yet to be added. We appreciate your patience and patronage. To End the War With Wutai
4.1:Pursue the RemnantsWutai Units FoundAvailable: Start of Ch.2, after returning from Ft. Tamblin. Description: "We have spotted a detached Wutai army unit on the outskirts of Wutai. We want to prevent any further incidents from them in an already chaotic political environment. Vanquish them before they make a move." Enemies: Wutai Private, Wutai Sergeant, Foulander Strategy: Keep in mind you can fight a few random battles here. Open the chest for an X-Potion and go around the bend to fight the objective battle. Equip the Fire Armlet if possible. Assault Twister is also useful. In the main battle you'll want to take out the Sergeant first and then finish off the Foulanders using similar tactics to in Ft. Tamblin. You'll also have the added power of Assault Twister to speed things up. Mission Complete: Reward: Elixir Unlocks: Mission 4.1.2 Anti-SOLDIER MonstersAvailable: After completing Mission 4.1.1. Description: "A detached Wutai force has trained monsters to specifically fight SOLDIER operatives. Defeat the anti-SOLDIER creatures and eliminate the remnants." Enemies: Wutai Private, Wutai Sergeant, Vajradjara Tai & Wu Strategy: There are a couple battle hot-spots as you make your way into the open area. Hug the north wall to reach the chest containing an X-Potion. Approach the monster for battle. This battle is very similar to the Ft. Tamblin fight. You'll also have VIT Up and Assault Twister to help you out. Target one monster until it falls and then eliminate the other. Mission Complete: Reward: Bulletproof Vest Unlocks: Mission 4.1.3 Pursue the DesertersAvailable: After completing Mission 4.1.2. Description: "Fort Tamblin has fallen, but many of their fighters have escaped. They refuse to disarm in an attempt to maintain the resistance. Allowing this to continue would only sow chaos. A swift elimination is in order." Enemies: Wutai Soldier Jia, Wutai Staff Sergeant Strategy: This mission has a fair number of encounters, especially if you go for all the chests. Depending on your level, this could be a good level-up mission. Most battles consist of two Soldiers and a Sergeant. Take out the Soldiers quickly and then focus on the high-HP Sergeant. From your starting point follow the path forward and around to the left. You'll be able to see the boss fight and a chest in the distance but take the left branch-off. Halfway down you'll find a chest with an X-Potion. At the dead end you'll find an Ether. Back by the boss, the last chest contains a Potion. The boss fight is about the same as the other fights you've had in this mission. Follow the same tactics. Mission Complete: Reward: Libra Unlocks: Mission 4.1.4 Wutai Remnants in the SlumsStop the IntrudersSearch for Wutai Remnants4.2:Behind the ScenesFoes in the Corel MinesRemnants in the SlumsFoes Inside Shinra Bldg.March Into WutaiStubborn Wutai RemnantsFive Saints of Wutai4.3:The Crescent UnitDefeat the Scout UnitsObliterate advance ElementsFoes in the Wutai BaseMobile UnitsThe Enemy's StrongholdStop the Assailants4.4:The Remnants Strike AgainA New ThreatDeath Wish for ZackInfiltrationWutai in the slumsAnti-Shinra BaseAnti-SOLDIER Weapons4.5:Annihilate the Crescent UnitNeutralize the CommanderLast of the WutaiCrush the Crescent UnitCrescent Unit AnnihilationBefore They RegroupWutai SuppressionReturn to Top |