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Ice Pyramid

Click image for full size and door numbers

The first floor of the Ice Pyramid has 5 doors. Please use the above map to find the door you're supposed to go through.

Upon entering go towards the right statue and you'll talk to Phoebe. Use your sword on the statue. Now go through the door that opened up.

You'll want to note that right now the enemies are invisible. We'll fix that in a minute. First go left, staying in the open space, and you'll find 2 chests that contain 3 Refreshers and 10 Arrows.

Now make your way to the far right (see circle on map) to find a chest with the Magic Mirror. You'll now be able to see the bad guys.

After that make your way to door number 1. You'll be on a section of the 2nd floor. Get the box with 3 Heal Potions and head back downstairs.

Back here take the path to door number 2. Go through it. Here go to the glowing eyed statue and poke it with your sword to get the chest with 10 Arrows.

Now clear the area of monsters. To the far right you'll find 10 Arrows. To the north you'll find a door. Go through it to the 3rd floor.

Walk around this area to get the boxes with 3 Heal Potions and 10 Arrows. Now go back to the first floor.

Make your way to door 3. Go through it. Go fight the Lamias and then walk through the secret door in the wall to get a chest with 10 Explosives (If the door isn't open you'll need to poke a statue elsewhere). Now go back downstairs.

Go through door number 4. Here you'll want to kill the birds and then poke the statue. The chest released holds 10 Explosives. Then head back downstairs.

Now it's time to tackle door number 5. After going through you should poke the statue to get 10 Arrows. Then follow the path to the right. The box right around the corner contains 10 Arrows. Keep going down the path. The box in your way holds 10 Arrows. Hop over it and go around the corner. At the top of this path poke the statue and go back to the top.

You should follow the path to the left and you'll end up at the bottom of the screen. Go through the door here to get boxes with 10 Explosives and 10 Arrows.

Now keep following the path around. You'll walk through the door at the end and then you should take a left straight through the wall. Here go through the door to the 4th floor. Then go left and down. Head around the corner to the door to the 5th floor.

On the 5th floor you'll note that there's nothing to keep you from walking off the edge. You'll want to maneuver carefully. First go left to get 2 chests with 10 Explosives each. Now go back to the spot where you first were on the 5th floor. Walk straight off the edge.

You'll find you've landed in a previously unaccessible part of the 4th floor. It has many boxes. They contain 3 Heal Potions, 10 Arrows, 10 More Arrows, 3 Refreshers, 3 Cure Potions, 10 More Arrows, and Yet Another Box of Arrows.

In the left area poke the statue to release the red chest to the right. It contains Noble Armor. Now go through the door and make your way back to the 5th floor. For now don't fall off the edge. Make your way around the right side and zig zag across to the middle.

From the middle go left. Here you can jump over to a small platform with 3 Cure Potions. Now go back to the middle and go up. The chest at the top of the area has 10 Explosives.

Now go to the middle and use a bomb on the center. Fall through the hole. Then proceed to fall off each platform until you reach the 1st floor.

Here poke the first statue. Then fall through the hole to the first floor of the basement.

The red chest here contains the Knight Sword. The rest of the boxes hold 3 Cure Potions, 3 Heal Potions, and 10 Arrows. Go talk to the boss at the top of the area and he'll disappear.

Go to the bottom right corner and take the stairs down. Head to the top left corner. Go through the door.

Here climb up the wall and go through the door. You'll be on the 5th floor again. Take the path up and poke the statue. Go through the door and drop over the ledge. You'll land back on the 5th floor and you can now get the boxes for 10 Arrows each.

Now drop back down to the basement and work your way back up. Carefully maneuver over to the boss.

Ice GolemHP:6000
Attacks:Hypnosleep, Stomp Stomp, Axe Bomber, Snowstorm, Ice Block

The Ice Golem is naturally weak to fire so that's the best attack to use on him. However, if you need a secondary attack Phoebe can use her arrows and Knight should use bombs. Be aware that once his HP gets lower he'll start to use the Snowstorm attack which heals him 200 points each time. Just be persistent and you'll be able to get rid of him.

Once the battle's over the crystal the boss had is released. Phoebe abandons you and then you can open the chest. It contains the River Coin. When you're ready to move on head back to Aquaria.

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